(01) 293 7177 info@dublinpainclinic.ie

News & Relevant Articles

Dublin Pain Clinic is now offering Magnet Therapy

Dublin Pain Clinic is now offering Magnet TherapyMagnetotherapy is a physical therapy based on the application of specific magnetic fields on the human body. It can be used to treat pain, inflammation and swelling. Clinical studies have...

Controlling mild-to-moderate chronic pain

Controlling mild-to-moderate chronic painDr. Wajid Mahmood Khan, Pain Fellow, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, and Dr Basabjit Das, Consultant in Pain Medicine, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, address the pharmacological management of...

Time to take chronic pain seriously

Time to take chronic pain seriously Prof. Dr Oleg Ilyinski marks the 100th birthday year of Dr John J Bonica, the founder of pain medicine, by examining the evolution of understanding about chronic pain.  Chronic pain, in particular spinal pain, is...

Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19We are currently going through a national emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important that you follow the HSE guidelines as best you can. However, many people will continue to face the same problems with chronic pain...

Fibromyalgia & Intravenous Lidocaine Infusion

Fibromyalgia & Intravenous Lidocaine InfusionFibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition which involves widespread body and muscle pain, tenderness, fatigue and unrefreshed sleep, and is often associated with disability, depression and a general...
Controlling mild-to-moderate chronic pain
Controlling mild-to-moderate chronic pain

Controlling mild-to-moderate chronic painDr. Wajid Mahmood Khan, Pain Fellow, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, and Dr Basabjit Das, Consultant in Pain Medicine, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, address the pharmacological management of mild-to-moderate chronic pain Chronic pain has been...

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Coronavirus COVID-19
Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19We are currently going through a national emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important that you follow the HSE guidelines as best you can. However, many people will continue to face the same problems with chronic pain as they did before. This is why we want you to...

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(01) 293 7177




Suite 32, The Mall Beacon Court Sandyford Dublin 18